Consumer education

within the meaning of § 1811 paragraph 2 and § 1820 paragraph 1 of the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code
(hereinafter referred to as "Instructions")

realized by the company: EXPLICIT REALITY s.r.o.,
ID: 068 16 860, registered office: Dlouhá 4217, 760 01 Zlín
registered in the OR led by the Regional Court in Brno,
registration number C 120339
phone: 773 022 220, e-mail:,
(hereinafter referred to as "Real Estate Broker")

addressed to all potential clients of the Real Estate Agent,
who are in the position of consumers (see provisions of § 419 OZ) and who are interested in concluding an Intermediary Agreement (in the real estate sector) with an intermediary (hereinafter referred to as the "Participant")

1. S osobními údaji Zájemce je nakládáno dle nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady 2016/679 (GDPR) více v sekci Zásady ochrany osobních údajů.

2. Zájemce souhlasí s ukládáním tzv. cookies na jeho počítač. Cookies jsou upraveny v Podmínkách používání cookies.

3. Dle zákona č. 253/2008 Sb., o opatřeních proti legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti a financování terorismu (AML), v platném znění, jsou povinnou osobou mimo jiné, obchodníci s nemovitostmi. Do této skupiny patří všechny fyzické nebo právnické osoby, které jsou oprávněny k obchodování s nemovitostmi. Do skupiny obchodníků s nemovitostmi tedy patří zejména realitní kanceláře a developeři.

Na plnění AML povinností nemá žádný vliv fakt, zda jsou obchody s nemovitostmi vypořádávány pouze bezhotovostně nebo zda je jednou ze smluvních stran úvěrová instituce.

4. Realitní zprostředkovatel tímto v souladu s platnou právní úpravou poučuje každého konkrétního Zájemce (v souvislosti se Zprostředkovatelskou smlouvou, kterou Zájemce hodlá uzavřít s Realitním zprostředkovatelem) o tom, že:

  • The brokerage contract for real estate services falls under the regime of Act no. 39/2020 Coll., Real Estate Mediation Act
  • the subject of the service offered by the Real Estate Agent is mediation - provision of real estate services
  • the subject of mediation will be offered at the price specified in the Mediation Agreement
  • The intermediary contract is concluded for a fixed period agreed between the Applicant and the intermediary - with the possibility of automatic extension
  • the price of the service (i.e. Commission) will be a specific (agreed) amount or a percentage of the actual price, which will be stated in the Contract
  • all intermediary costs associated with activities under the Intermediary Agreement are included in the agreed Commission
  • the rights of the interested party from any defective performance of services, as well as the conditions of these rights, are governed by the provisions of § 1914 et seq. OZ (especially see § 1915 to 1916, as well as 1921 to 1925 OZ)

Special instructions on the possibility of withdrawing from the Intermediary Agreement, if it was concluded outside the premises usual for the intermediary's business (for this, see also the provisions of § 1828/2 of the Civil Code):

  • you have the right to withdraw from the Mediation Agreement (without giving a reason), within 14 days of concluding the Mediation Agreement. You can find a sample form for withdrawal from the contract here
  • for the purpose of exercising the right to withdraw from the Intermediary Agreement, you must inform the Intermediary of your decision to withdraw from this agreement in the form of a clear statement - e.g. a letter sent via a postal service provider, fax or e-mail.
  • in order to comply with the deadline for withdrawing from the Intermediation Agreement, it is sufficient to send a notification about exercising the right to withdraw from the Intermediation Agreement before the expiry of the relevant period.

At the same time, however, we expressly advise you (in the sense of the provisions of § 1837 of the Civil Code) that you will not have the right to withdraw from the Intermediary Agreement (under the above-mentioned conditions) if you requested that the provision of services begin already during the withdrawal period, and at the same time the intermediary mediated (at the latest in the day preceding the sending of the notice of withdrawal) a person interested in purchasing the real estate in question under the conditions stipulated in the Intermediary Agreement. In such a case, the resignation sent by you will not be taken into account (from the intermediary's point of view), regardless of whether you have already been informed about the intermediary by the intermediary; which, of course, does not affect the possibility of the case being assessed by the court.

At the same time, the interested party has the right to address his complaint (if the interested party considers that there has been a violation of the legal rights of consumers on the part of the Intermediary) to the Czech Trade Inspection, or to the municipal trade office of the Intermediary. In this regard, the Intermediary also refers the Interested Party to the wording of Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended.

The interested party has the option of out-of-court settlement of any consumer disputes if he is in the position of a consumer. Summary information on this issue is available on the website of the Czech Trade Inspection All proposals in consumer disputes between the Intermediary and the Interested Party must be sent to the Czech Trade Inspection.

5. The offers on the website are only informative in nature, they are not an offer in the sense of § 1731, § 1732 or § 1733 of the Civil Code. The published offer does not give rise to the right to conclude a contract.

In Zlín, on March 3, 2020